Sunday, August 16, 2009
long time no see...

i've nothing to do so i thought of just posting something...
sometimes,i wonder why good things always happen to people who are always put me in doubt and that question always haunts me...looking for some answers but i know that i can't just sit here all day and hope that the answer will drop from the sky...there's something that i want to say and do...but i dunno what i should do about it.sometimes it feels like its a yes to do so but i am so darn afraid of doing so because it might lead to something can really be tough once u are done having fun...someone special has once again appeared in my life,but now its about to be taken from my feels like shit!i've lost someone really close and dear to me alrdy,i dun wanna lose another one and to see them go with my own eyes...this is the second time i am feeling a pain in my heart and the first for jealousy...i dunno if this is just a crash or if its love thats hitting on me.dun wanna hurt that certain somebody...oh dingle i shall write about what happen to the other dear person whom i had lost...
from all that i can rmb,i was only 10 when he left us and he was a great man.he took up 3 jobs to feed the families and to also help those in need...but of all people,the unwanted thing happen to broke the heart of this kid and left him questing everyone and especially god...why did he had to be taken away from this poor child?why can't the child just feel the love of a father for a little while longer till he was older?is this really good for him or just a beginning of a bad dream?...this poor boy been through a shit load of things at the age of 10 and he still has to handle things that an adult has too...with no hands to hold to walk on this lonely path of misery...the boy felt really terrible and thought of death as a way out..but friends and family held him back from doing so...the family of this boy ain't very good either...always treating him like a nobody or even a servent...the boy was hurt and torn down...nothing good happened till he entered secondary school life...true friends supported him and distant family members aid him to his feet...really grateful to each and everyone of u who had aid this poor boy and i promise that he wouldn't let u down!!!

haha hey nad!i'm posting this for u since u said my blog was dead -_- haha thx for the times that u've heard me out and joked with me lol but maybe save ur text msgs for tok instead of wasting them on me xD alrights i've joined soccer as my second cca and i'm loving it =) never felt this good ever since i quitted rugby lol xP alrights,i've got nothing much more to say =D


Ima_simple_boy=P wrote on 2:19 AM.