Tuesday, June 30, 2009

tht dumbdumb dun wna update like wthwth.....
but wht to do he's dumb!!!
LOLS IM BEING LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im trying to NOT making this blog dead so yeahhh.....
sheeeeeeeesh...waste my time updating lah u...
Anwanw i duno wht to talk abt soooooooooooooooooo this post might be lame!!!
OMG days are getting boring isnt it??GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Dominic says his face looks dumb here but wht i care???NYAHAHA......okay lame...THIS BLOG IS SOOOOOOOO DEAD RIGHT RIGHT???
tht dumbdumb dun wna update like wthwth.....
but wht to do he's dumb!!!
LOLS IM BEING LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im trying to NOT making this blog dead so yeahhh.....
sheeeeeeeesh...waste my time updating lah u...
Anwanw i duno wht to talk abt soooooooooooooooooo this post might be lame!!!
OMG days are getting boring isnt it??GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Anwanw he say later mayB he update but im 90% sure he WILL NOT.....right dom??-.-!ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..........i dun0 wht to write abt luhhs....sooo yeahh just to keep this blog ALIVE.....kay done bye
Blog revived by his friend call nadd!!!!whoooooots*all hail nadd*...pfft lame...BYE!
Friday, June 12, 2009
almost a week...
wow...its almost a week since i've post xP haha ok here goes...Sunday:
I went for 9.45am mass today and well at first i thought that i was all alone in the church with no one to attend mass with until i saw Lynette and Gabriel!haha i sat with them for mass and we saw Jeremy but guess what!?he diao us....bloody idiot...ok so...half-way of the mass i saw someone came in late!haha they were Colette,Lucien and Angie lol.wa...i can't stand it sia...Gab just kept looking at "her" throughout the mass...what is he there for man!?
ok so after that i went to the back of the church to buy a bottle of water as I was having a really bad sore throat that was killing me!argh...ok so i walked to the bus stop and saw both Angie and Colette,waved at them and board the bus home.reached home,slacked abit,eat something and then off we go to grandma's house!haha not house actually but a restuarant to have our lunch=) ended at abt 2.30 and we all went to my third aunt's house.
it was really fun there haha.my uncle brought his puppy there and my aunt had had another one too!!!haha the house was just simply full of dogs!they were dam cute lol barking at each other each time they see one another.i played cards with my grandma to keep her company and my cousin's joined in too!haha these cousins were cousins that i've played with when i was a little boy=) they're Vanessa and Rachel.haha hope that i didn't spell their names wrongly xD i hope that i would get to know them better,after all,we were childhood playmates xP went home and sleep...
Nothing happened...i can't remember anything about it...
I fell sick today...as in really sick...temperature was 38-39 degrees and i slept the whole day so nothing much to talk about...
still sick and i HATE it!dammit i am suppose to be in camp now!not just any camp but ATC!!!argh!!!dammit!
alright nothing today either...BORING HOLIDAY DAMMIT!
Labels: Tears tearing the heart of the broken one...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
A long time since i last posted...
hey peeps!i guess u're all just waiting for me to post something new up eh??alright so here goes...Wednesday
i went for a SANA course prepared by my officers.i met alot of new people there and made friends with them too!We had to do a skit on drug abuse and we need to explain why we shouldn't abuse the uses of drugs...so i guess my team was the second best after Sharizal's...we expected to win it,but the greater the hope,the bigger the dissapointment=)alright so there was a problem that popped up afterwards...5 people from Montfort were missing...we later found them at the other side of the room...all just idiots doing stupid things.we all got scolded after all the other schools left and everyone's mood was ruined...i don't actually blame them because there was a hell lot of miscommunications here and there...sigh...alright BORING!!!
i didn't really do much as i was sick...my temperature suddenly rose up to 38-39 degrees...i just slept through the whole day not doing anything else.only ate for lunch...at about 11.30pm,i couldn't take it any longer as i really felt dam uncomfortable...my mother immediately send me to the nearest clinic to do a check-up and maybe get some medicines...i would like to thank my Godpa too because he was the one who sent us there and fetched us back.the doctor gave me a hell lot of pills to take and each of them causes drowsiness...that doctor must really hate me lol.ok so its a sick day...=(
i felt alot more better and was hoping to be able to go for tomorrow's bbq party/session...we'll didn't really had plans to go actually because my fever shot up again and my sore throat is killing me...didn't really do much so i rested hoping to see the light to be able to go tomorrow...=/
woohoo!!!i am quite happy today as i got the chance to go for the bbq party/session!!!haha when we were at bishan park,everyone was being freaking hostile...we were suppose to do activities there,but the guys were being jackasses so they just do their own stuff...i followed them because they were the only ones who i can communicate without having the awkward feeling =) wished that i could actually talk to ____ at that time...been a long time since we saw each other lol.keep guessing the person and u'll never get it right!!!haha.
ok so we went to Amanda's house after that to start BBQ-ing...they started off by playing truth or dare...the guys are really assholes...all just ignore the organizers and do their own stuff...sigh...the starting of the fire was frustrating because all inexperienced!!!sigh...all i can say that most of us didn't enjoy tonight...was a creepy night actually...we all felt something following us when walking to the bus stop so we ran to the bus stop instead...we waiting for 169 and got frustrated so Joash msged IRIS...GUESS WHAT!!??it wasn't in service!!!dammit...we met 2 freaking old people there and we saw a dam weird creature...we all couldn't care much so we just ran to take a cab home...
ok there were some problems when i reached home and i am not going to say what.
To Amanda,Angie,Colette and everyone else that was irritated.
I am apologizing to u guys/girls on the behalf of the guys.we know that we've been assholes throughout the day and didn't really care about the others.We made a lot of things go wrong and didn't bother to "clear" it up...my sincere apology...
(sorry if i didn't spell correctly,because i can't really think now...xD)
Labels: regrats of the simple_boy...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
haha hello!!!woke up at 8am today i think...all because of a bbq session ltr which would last till 9pm...haha SQ and I both end up in school with slippers instead of shoes...everyone asked why and we told them cause ytd we played soccer and both are injured...saw Dave and he ALSO wearing slipper lol.reason was because he was injured from ytd also...haha playing at Kallang is not only fun,but also dam painfull!
we had to retake our campcraft test on knots again because some of us failed and we spent like...2hrs on it?ok so i didn't take the test due to the lack of time and the failure of planning...so yeah...there we were...all changed and ready to BBQ!!!haha everyone dressed really different to day.some in long pants and some in 3quarts...some even like gangsters lol.but we all know that we,boys from montfort,are very well behaved xD
we entered the bus and yay!!!the sec 2s got a bus of their own and we even got our OC with us!haha so there was alot of singing once again and some photo takings of our brotherly love shots!i played a prank on Nadhirah lol.i called her and shouted gundu at her then hang up.haha until now,she doesn't know who was it!(i really wish that she doesn't sees this xP) ok so i got Adam to call her twice and she failed to answer then ltr i called once to test if she was avoiding Adam because i used his phone to prank her.In the end,it wasn't because she set her phone on silent...really GUNDU sia...
so here we are!finally at East Coast!we started off by gettting into grps of 8 and coming up with the names and cheers.haha i named my grp "King Ah Ming Kong" haha this name is specially chosen to tease both KK and Fazlur at the same time.the cheer was even more taunting!haha i came up with those ideas and the sec1s were like..."oh shit...this guy is nuts!i really wish that i was in another grp..." HAHA TOO BAD!once u are with me,u must do the things i want u to!unless u have something better =P
walking...walking...walking...so boring sia...so hot somemore...sigh...our first checkpoint is right at the end of the beach...dying...dying...fainting...but as a member of NCDCC,this has never crossed our minds!haha we just kept walking and singing songs to keep us going and finally we were there.we were asked to build a structure that is stable and tall.so i just started making funny shapes to make it fit into the structure and everyone else was just sitting there,enjoying a cup of Slurpee...i pee into the cup then u know!ok so this is the boring part and dun wanna talk abt it...yada yada yada...
finally the reason why we all came...BBQ!!!WOOHOO!!!firstly,thank you mr.pang,L.Hozefa and the sec3s for BBQing for us to eat.appreciated because the food was nice and sorry if we didn't make good food for u because mostly were over cooked or raw...haha.many photos taken,cheers being cheered,no arguements(thats dam rare...but good)and most of all,our seniors came!!!woohoo!!Kang Hao,Jonathan/Johnathan(sorry because idk which is the correct one xD),Pradeep and Caleb!haha we really miss this guys and are dam happy that they came,especially Kang Hao because he used to be in-charged of us till he passed out as a senior.
time passed quickly,the fun was still there.a sad piece of news was given and that was...Mr Pang would not be in Montfort next yr...this OC of us wasn't just any OC but a friend,a close friend to us.we're all going to miss him after he leaves and we'll promise him to treat the new OC the same way as we treat him!muahaha...(evil thoughts) ok so here comes the part where everyone doesn't really want it to happen...going home=( well afterall,we still have a home to go to=) ok good thing is that in the bus,the sec2s didn't stop the excitement!we sang nursery rhymes and some other ulu songs lol.had a really fun time today and i'm going to prepare my uniform now for tmr's SANA course...
haha good nights!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
sunday and today...
Sunday:I overslept and didn't go for mass...-_-!i woke up at like...12pm!???i was like...shit...i missed the timing for mass and i can't ltr...die...sigh...regrets...but...understandable...on saturday it was dam tiring!!!
ok so i spend ytd almost doing nth except for chatting with a few people on msn and then went out for dinner,but before we went to St.Anne's to erm...i don't know how to put it...but lets just say pray for my dad.we went there and both my sister and i were actually surprised to see the area covered in blue...it was only at my dad's area!!!wth man...we're guessing that its the cause of the blue tacks...screw them!!!making the place dirty...now can't wash away!!!ARGH!!!
ok...calm down....phew...alright then ltr we went to eat at...ok i forgot but nvm so long as i ate!oh...rmbed now...mos burger...went home and DAY OVER!
alright...i woke up at like...11.30am today??i got a few offers to go out,but i rejected all and finally,the best offer came out!!!shan called and asked:Dominic,u want to play soccer at kallang?
i immediately said yes lol.i wanted to leave house without brushing my teeth!!!haha but i brushed and left.ok so we were like rushing so i took a cab and fetched sq from his house.we went down to amk hub to fetch shan and ashwin...bloody idiot took the bus and didn't tell us...make us waste time and money!!!but nvm we getting shan to pay us back so that we dun lose out on anything.arrived the area and still had time so we went down to the KFC to eat something first before heading down to start playing...
didn't manage to finish everything due to the lack of time so we just brought it to the cage...played from 2-4pm...and we wasted 1 whole freaking hr!!!so i suggested to extend it to 6pm so that everyone would be happy and not bored...when it was 5pm,the guy suddenly said:sorry but there was miscom...u guys have to leave now..."i was like...wth...then we still need to pay $100???luckily dun need...so we pay $50 only=P
the coach from the soccer school academy was VERY kind!!!haha he allowed us to play with them so we like paid for 1hr of rental and played for 4hrs lol!we got trashed by them but most importantly,we had a hell lot of fun!haha although i can tell that some of us are not really happy with the result,but if they're going to let this small setback affect them,our team is bound to never improve=(come on guys!keep up the trainings and dun be demoralized!all the way and never saying die!=)
back home now and just waiting for people to come online so that i can chat with them and not feel so bored=)
happy,tired,seeking for companies...
hoping that it'll happen...
Dedication to Justin...
Sorry dude...i've been there,done that...i know exactly how it feels...but maybe mine is much more hurting...all i can say is that...dun let this setback drag u down to ur knees or it'll be hard to move on...i let my setback drag me down...it was hard to for me to stand up again...i guess i owe it all to my cousins...the support they gave me got me going and they are for what i am today...if u got any problems,feel free to come to me.i'll never turn a friend in need down...
see u tmr...